About Me

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I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a friend, a psychotherapist, a youth leader and so much more. Those are several of the roles I play, but I am defined by my creator. I am a child of God, a conquerer and co-heir with Christ. Daily, I am becoming more or less of things and I pray that I am becoming more like Christ and less like this world because this world is not my home. Everyone is being and becoming, it’s just a matter of whom and what. We are all a work in progress. Who are you becoming?

Thursday, July 4, 2013

On Becoming...Healed

You cannot be healed unless you are first broken. 

I do not wish brokenness on others and as a healer by profession, I do not desire others to be in pain, but the reality is that we all experience brokenness because this world is not our home (1 Peter 2:11). Sometimes we are broken as the consequence of our own choices, sometimes we are broken because of the choices of others and sometimes brokenness arises simply from living in an imperfect world.

Being broken is a difficult, uncomfortable, painful and beautiful place to be.
That is precisely what incites change. Brokenness often leads one to seek change, to seek comfort, to seek help.  

I thank God for giving us the Holy Spirit as our comfort and help (John 14:26). We cannot heal ourselves by ourselves. We do not have the wisdom and strength when we are broken. In our weakness, he is strong and he provides strength for the healing so that we can praise Him! 

When I was broken - and when I am broken time and again, I need my Healer! The Great Healer! But many questions arise; can I let go? Can I forgive? Do I want to be well? Do I trust God and his power and purpose? How can this brokenness be redeemed?
I need to recognize my brokenness and confess the role I might play in it; I need to desire healing which requires letting go of my brokenness - letting go of being a victim and becoming healed. Then I can embrace the strength and responsibility of being healed and being well. 

He is making all things new (Rev 21:5), so create in me a clean heart Oh God and renew a right Spirit within me (Psalm 51:10). Yes I am healed and I will be your hands and feet and heart Oh Lord to love on others and seek to lead their broken hearts to you. 

Monday, June 17, 2013

On Becoming...A Blogger

There are many reasons not to blog that have kept me from following through, but today, I’ll throw those excuses out the sliding glass door and begin...
Blog as defined by dictionary.com “ a web site containing the writer’s or group of writers’ own experiences, observations, opinions, etc., and often having images and links to other websites.” So, I suppose I can write about anything. 
Why is there hesitation?
Words are powerful and I don’t want to misuse them, perhaps I have a sense of the gravity of words. Lyrics from a Hawk Nelson song read as follows, “words can build you up, words can break you down, start a fire in your heart, or put it out. Let my words be life. Let my words be truth.” 
But more powerful than my words are God’s words; Hebrews 4:12 says “For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.”
God’s word ‘exposes’ and so can our words. Words can be revealing and can be used to lay bare what only lives in ones heart and mind. If I so choose, I may become vulnerable and vulnerability is risky; revealing my words, my heart, my soul...it is intimate. Intimacy and vulnerability open up the heart for joy and sorrow. 
Joy and sorrow...you need both to create a beautiful story, so today I’ll blog.

Since we are all a work in progress, my blog will also be a work in progress. Perhaps my posts won’t be final, I give myself freedom, to add or edit existing blogs, perhaps not delete, as things in life cannot be deleted, only amended or forgiven or transformed or redeemed.